On Wednesday, Scott Ewart hosted the second in his series of Board of Education online debates, this time for District 5. (See my analysis of his D4 debate here.) I procrastinated on listening to the debate and writing an analysis because this district, comprising most of the western half of Howard County, is unsurprisingly devoid of progressive candidates.
For me, District 5 is a lot like the prize counter at an arcade. There are all these giant stuffed animals, skateboards, and electroni...
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<p>Howard County (Maryland) blog posts covering Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) redistricting and its related controversy.</p>
Analysis of Scott E’s D4 BOE Debate
On Saturday, Howard County blogger Scott Ewart hosted and moderated an online debate for the Board of Education candidates in District 4. I tried to watch it live, but I turned it off after just a few minutes thanks to the viewing public showing its ass in the comment section in real-time.
I did finally get around to watching it in its entirety; here is my analysis.
First, I had to wait only two minutes for someone to broach the topic of redistricting, and it was Mr. Ewart himself who br...
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Naked and Very Afraid
* See update at the bottom of this post.
Do any of y’all watch Naked and Afraid on the Discovery Channel? I’m not a fan of reality TV, but for some reason, I can’t stop watching it. This show has it all - the drama, the suspense, the survivalist skills, and... well... the nakedness. There’s something addictive about chowing down on tortilla chips on my couch while watching people with blurred genitals argue while eating bugs and vermin on TV.
It’s kind of like the day campaign finance rep...
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Hall of Shame – April 30, 2020
One of many hot topics in the Howard County political scene this week was an ethics complaint regarding a potential conflict of interest involving BOE member Vicky Cutroneo. The discussion brought forth many supporters of Ms. Cutroneo, including County Council member David Yungmann (R-D5).
While it is unknown who submitted the complaint, Mr. Yungmann was quick to blame supporters of last year’s school redistricting plan - which he described as “income and race based” (cringe). Is that real...
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