Ballots are beginning to arrive in mailboxes, and ballot drop boxes are in place. It’s time to vote, Howard County, but please read this first.
Today, the League of Women Voters of Howard County held a candidate forum for our local Board of Education candidates, a prime opportunity to watch all the candidates as a group debate several important topics. The candidates’ performances so perfectly embodied what I’ve been saying about them all year, so I’m going to present a debate analysis and...
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jolene mosley
<p>Jolene Mosley is running for election in the 2020 Howard County (Maryland) Board of Education race in councilmanic district 3.</p>
Analysis of Scott E’s D3 BOE Debate

On Friday evening, Scott Ewart held the third in his series of online debates for Howard County Board of Education candidates, this time for District 3. Of the three candidates in District 3, one is head-and-shoulders above the rest (spoiler: it’s Jolene Mosley), but I’ll cover all of them anyway.
Tom Heffner
Tom Heffner is a mystery to me. His website states that he has experience solving hard problems and innovating. When it comes to the issues, he has some fleshed-out ideas on his we...
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