Ballots are beginning to arrive in mailboxes, and ballot drop boxes are in place. It’s time to vote, Howard County, but please read this first.
Today, the League of Women Voters of Howard County held a candidate forum for our local Board of Education candidates, a prime opportunity to watch all the candidates as a group debate several important topics. The candidates’ performances so perfectly embodied what I’ve been saying about them all year, so I’m going to present a debate analysis and...
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christina delmont-small
<p>Christina Delmont-Small is running for re-election in the 2020 Howard County (Maryland) Board of Education race in councilmanic district 1.</p>
Screaming Into a Pillow
It’s been a crazy couple of weeks in Howard County. I’m starting to think I need to get a special pillow just for screaming. Does anyone else find themselves doing a lot of that lately?
We had County Council Chair Deb Jung muting Councilman Opel Jones in a council Zoom meeting, the technological equivalent of walking over and putting her hand over his mouth. I can’t say I’ve ever seen Board of Education Chair Mavis Ellis ever do that for one of Christina “DeVos” Small’s lengthy sighing di...
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Hall of Shame – July 10, 2020

Today, lame-duck Howard County Board of Education member Christina “DeVos” Small posted the following thoughts about the BOE’s struggle to decide on the best plan for public schooling in the fall, given the myriad of challenges involved.
Christina Delmont-Small pushes to reopen schools.
She’s not wrong that virtual learning models will negatively affect dual-income and single-parent families as well as students with disabilities. However, she seems to be ignoring the plight of teache...
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Naked and Very Afraid
* See update at the bottom of this post.
Do any of y’all watch Naked and Afraid on the Discovery Channel? I’m not a fan of reality TV, but for some reason, I can’t stop watching it. This show has it all - the drama, the suspense, the survivalist skills, and... well... the nakedness. There’s something addictive about chowing down on tortilla chips on my couch while watching people with blurred genitals argue while eating bugs and vermin on TV.
It’s kind of like the day campaign finance rep...
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