Hall of Shame – May 10, 2020

Happy Mother’s Day! It seems that my blog and I have gained the attention of a gentleman (and I use that term loosely) named Matthew Mitchell. His Facebook profile picture frame indicates that he supports Sezin Palmer for BOE, so perhaps this is his ham-handed attempt at electioneering? Yeesh.

Allow me to set the record straight: I do not live on a golf course (not that there’s anything wrong with that), my children attend HCPSS, I write my blog on my phone, and I am lucky and blessed to be able to publish it whenever I feel like it because I have been home on pandemic leave for weeks. For which I am truly thankful and cognizant of my privilege.

Perhaps Mr. Mitchell would feel less grumpy if he donated to Columbia Community Care instead?

I hate golf, dude. Don’t you know me at all?
What is a “coont?”
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, bro?