Time For Spring Cleaning on Housing

Hey y'all. It's spring in Maryland... the grass is turning green, trees are starting to bud, and Mother Nature is throwing out random temperatures like she's picking Powerball numbers. It's also spring in an election year, so local candidates are out and about canvassing, doing interviews, and making social media posts. Which means that the usual myths and bellyaching about housing, adequate public facilities, and school capacity are making the rounds in Howard County's metaverse. So tod...
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The Voices of Roslyn Rise

Roslyn Rise is an aging income-restricted housing community in Wilde Lake Village in Columbia. It has fallen into disrepair in recent years, and the former property owner struggled mightily to afford the upkeep as the deterioration worsened. Recently, Enterprise Community Partners, a nonprofit started by Jim and Patty Rouse, purchased the property and created plans to redevelop it, ensuring that existing Roslyn Rise residents can live in modern, safe, and healthy homes at below cost. Residen...
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Power, Control, and Money

This is a multi-part series making yet another effort to correct misinformation and false narratives surrounding housing in Howard County. See the post Tale As Old As Time for the first part in the series. See Perception vs. Reality for the second. In the other posts in this series, I dispelled a number of myths and popular false narratives surrounding housing in Howard County. One of the most popular narratives you'll hear in this county is that developers are greedy, profit-drive...
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Perception vs. Reality

This is a multi-part series making yet another effort to correct misinformation and false narratives surrounding housing in Howard County. See the post Tale As Old As Time for the first part in the series. In Tale As Old As Time, I noted that there are some ubiquitous narratives surrounding development in Howard County that are little more than old wives' tales. I went on to list three tenets that contradict these narratives (our infrastructure inadequacies are the fault of elected official...
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Tale As Old As Time

This is a multi-part series making yet another effort to correct misinformation and false narratives surrounding housing in Howard County. There are a lot of old wives' tales out there, well-worn precepts that are nearly universally believed because they contain a tiny grain of truth, but are otherwise bogus. You'll catch a cold if you go outside with wet hair in winter. You should wait an hour after eating before going swimming. Developers have ruined Howard County with overdevelopment and ...
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