Those of you who have clicked my “About” button above can see that I’m a white woman. There are about 120 million of us in the U.S. We’re a pretty heterogeneous group, race and gender aside. When it comes to our identities, our opinions, our faiths, our families, and our lifestyles, we are anything but a monolithic group.
White women’s experiences in life are just as varied. Many of us have experienced the joys of partnership and motherhood. Many of us have felt the searing rage boiling...
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<p>Howard County (Maryland) blog posts covering local, state, regional, or national elections, candidates, issues, and other topics.</p>
Wind of Change
It's Election Day.
I'm a big classic rock fan, so this morning as I observed the wind continuing to blow on this beautiful, cold morning, I thought of the Scorpions song Wind of Change and its origins as a symbol of progress.
America stands at the precipice of change. We have endured four years of a president who has brought incompetence, nepotism, cruelty, racism, misogyny, bigotry, and failure to the White House, alienating both the American people and our foreign allies. 2020 became ...
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Dancing for Democracy

With nearly a week of early voting behind us in Howard County, the photos and social media posts from local candidates and their supporters are showing us how to inspire others when things feel bleak.
There is plenty to fill the doldrums of 2020, between the COVID-19 pandemic and our abuser-in-chief doing everything he can to destroy democracy and escalate his depraved cruelty. But there is a discernible energy taking shape, one of hope, optimism, and progress. The American people are turn...
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Update: (River Hill) Money (Still) Makes the World Go ‘Round
I wrote back in late August that of the $167,000 raised thus far by Board of Education candidates and PACs in the 2020 election cycle, roughly half of it has come from a single high school catchment area - River Hill High School. I surmised that River Hill was putting its financial might into a slate of anti-redistricting candidates.
Another round of campaign finance reports are out as of yesterday, and that story hasn't changed. Except that the numbers have become even more mind-boggling....
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It’s Time to Vote, Howard County
Ballots are beginning to arrive in mailboxes, and ballot drop boxes are in place. It’s time to vote, Howard County, but please read this first.
Today, the League of Women Voters of Howard County held a candidate forum for our local Board of Education candidates, a prime opportunity to watch all the candidates as a group debate several important topics. The candidates’ performances so perfectly embodied what I’ve been saying about them all year, so I’m going to present a debate analysis and...
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