On June 27, 2015, ten days after a white supremacist shot and killed nine Black citizens in a Charleston, S.C. church, Oakland Mills High School alumna Bree Newsome Bass climbed up the flagpole at the State Capitol in Columbia, S.C. and removed the Confederate flag flying at the top. It is obvious that such a symbol - one representing a failed nation whose existence was predicated on slavery and the oppression of Black citizens - has no place in the United States. That the flag was deemed wor...
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<p>Howard County (Maryland) blog posts covering the topic of anti-racism, which is the practice of not just remaining neutral on race issues, but actively opposing racism and promoting racial tolerance.</p>
What an Ally Looks Like
Posted on by Jenny
Yesterday, on June 1, my friend Jonathan England passed away suddenly. This was heartbreaking news. A native of Prince George’s County, Jonathan was a devoted family man; a lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies for the African-American Studies Department at the University of Maryland; and an ardent supporter of minority groups, working resolutely to dismantle systemic racism through education. He spent years teaching young adults about slavery, civil rights, race relations, racial disp...
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